Featured Products
Stimulataion Level:
1.TEOAE: 60dB-80dB
2.DPOAE: 50dB-65dB
Infant Hearing Screening
Host device, probe, base, adapter, earplug
1.TEOAE: 60dB-80dB
2.DPOAE: 50dB-65dB
Infant Hearing Screening
Host device, probe, base, adapter, earplug
1.Support both TEOAE and DPOAE test
2.Completely objective test
3.High accuracy
4. Rapid: test per ear within 30 seconds
5.Applicable to all age groups, esp. ideal for children and newborn infants
2.Completely objective test
3.High accuracy
4. Rapid: test per ear within 30 seconds
5.Applicable to all age groups, esp. ideal for children and newborn infants
1.Objective, rapid.
2.Examine of the newborn's natural sleep or quiet state.
2.Examine of the newborn's natural sleep or quiet state.
Stimulataion Level:
1) TEOAE: 60dB-80dB
2) DPOAE: 50dB-65dB
1) TEOAE: 60dB-80dB
2) DPOAE: 50dB-65dB
Host device, probe, base, adapter, earplug
Host device, probe, base, adapter, earplug
The Otoacoustic Emissions Hearing Screener is suitable for use in all facilities, including domestic facilities and direct connection to residential public low-voltage power supply networks.