/ 2020
Prevention of inner ear poisoning caused by ototoxic drugs
/ 2020
Acoustic impairment deafness refers to damage to hearing organs caused by sound. According to the nature of the sound that causes damage,
/ 2020
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss.
/ 2020
One of the effects of hearing loss is the reduced ability to distinguish between speech and noise, especially the ability to listen to high-frequency sounds may completely disappear.
/ 2019
The correct choice of wearing a hearing aid will not only prevent you from wearing more and more, but the hearing aid can also protect the residual hearing to a certain extent.
/ 2019
How to make the elderly wear better hearing aids
/ 2019
Hearing aid effects are considered in at least three ways:
/ 2019
many cheap hearing aids are actually very powerful, and it is easy to hear small sounds. However, at the same time, you can hear a lot of noise, but you can't hear the voice.
/ 2019
When people are old, their ears are back, and hearing loss is a problem often encountered by the elderly.
/ 2019
Hearing impaired children receive the maximum benefit before receiving intervention before 6 months of age
/ 2019
China news agency, UN February 12, the United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) released data on the 12th that there are currently about 1.1 billion young people (between 12 and 35 years old) facing an irreversible risk of hearing loss, individuals Excessive audio device volume (such as listening to music on your mobile phone) is an important cause of risk.