/ 2020
Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss.
/ 2020
One of the effects of hearing loss is the reduced ability to distinguish between speech and noise, especially the ability to listen to high-frequency sounds may completely disappear.
/ 2020
In recent years, with the popularity of MP3 and other music portable players, the number of young patients with ear disease has also increased significantly.
/ 2020
The external ear includes the pinna and external auditory meatus. The pinna is located on both sides of the head.
/ 2019
the State Council passed the application of the Health Planning Commission on the establishment of the Chinese Physician's Day, and agreed to establish the "Chinese Physician's Day" on August 19 of each year from 2018.
/ 2019
The correct choice of wearing a hearing aid will not only prevent you from wearing more and more, but the hearing aid can also protect the residual hearing to a certain extent.
/ 2019
How to make the elderly wear better hearing aids
/ 2019
it is also necessary to protect the children's ears, because the ears are also to prevent heatstroke!
/ 2019
Hearing aid effects are considered in at least three ways:
/ 2019
many cheap hearing aids are actually very powerful, and it is easy to hear small sounds. However, at the same time, you can hear a lot of noise, but you can't hear the voice.
/ 2019
It is necessary to slowly increase the time to wear the hearing aid.